Get a head start on the giving season today!

Unleash Your Generosity!

Get a head start on the giving season today! image


raised towards $10,000 goal

Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Unleash Your Generosity!

Let's Make Legal Justice For All a Reality

The global giving movement, #givingtuesday, is here! This online fundraiser was established and continues to grow through individuals, families, organizations, businesses, and communities in countries around the world in the hopes of helping those in need during the holiday season. It is the collaboration of millions of people coming together to support and champion the causes they believe in and the communities in which they live.

We are hopeful that if you are taking a moment to read this, you agree with our mission for every person in South Carolina to recognize and secure the legal rights they deserve. Please help support the work of providing legal services for children in need of protection, domestic violence victims, and immigrants in need of representation within South Carolina.

Every dollar really does make a difference and with your help we hope to give larger grants to more grantees as we seek to promote justice by funding legal access and education. We can't wait to see how the SC Bar members respond in showing support today! We continue to be grateful for your support!